Source code for hist_data_analysis_extraction

'''HIST data analysis module.

The functions in the module extract the bid and ask from the Historic Rate Data
from HIST Capital in a year.

This script requires the following modules:
    * os
    * pickle
    * typing
    * zipfile
    * datetime
    * numpy
    * pandas
    * hist_data_tools_extraction

The module contains the following functions:
    * hist_fx_data_extraction_year - extracts the bid and ask for a year.
    * hist_fx_data_extraction_week - extracts the bid and ask for a week.
    * hist_fx_week_start - extracts data that starts in a week day.
    * hist_fx_weekend_start - extracts data that starts in a weekend day.
    * hist_fx_midpoint_trade_data - extracts the midpoint price for
      a year
    * hist_fx_trade_signs_trade_data - extracts the midpoint price
      for a year
    * main - the main function of the script.

..moduleauthor:: Juan Camilo Henao Londono <>

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Modules

import os
import pickle
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple
import zipfile

import datetime as dt
import numpy as np  # type: ignore
import pandas as pd  # type: ignore

import hist_data_tools_extraction

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[docs]def hist_fx_data_extraction_year(fx_pair: str, year: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Extracts the bid and ask for a year. :param fx_pair: string of the abbreviation of the forex pair to be analyzed (i.e. 'eur_usd'). :param year: string of the year to be analyzed (i.e. '2016'). :return: None -- The function saves the data in a file and does not return a value. """ pair: List[str] = fx_pair.split('_') cap_pair: str = pair[0].upper() + pair[1].upper() fx_data_col: List[str] fx_data_type: Dict[str, Any] if year == '2008': fx_data_col = ['DateTime', 'Ask', 'Bid'] fx_data_type = {'DateTime': str, 'Ask': float, 'Bid': float} else: fx_data_col = ['DateTime', 'Bid', 'Ask'] fx_data_type = {'DateTime': str, 'Bid': float, 'Ask': float} fx_data: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame(columns=fx_data_col) m_num: int for m_num in range(1, 13): if m_num < 10: m_num = f'0{m_num}' try: # Load data zip_f: zipfile.ZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile( f'../../hist_data/original_data_{year}/{fx_pair}/hist' + f'_{fx_pair}_{year}{m_num}.zip') fx_data = fx_data.append( pd.read_csv( f'DAT_ASCII_{cap_pair}_T_{year}{m_num}.csv'), usecols=(0, 1, 2), names=fx_data_col, dtype=fx_data_type), ignore_index=True) except FileNotFoundError as error: print('No data') print(error) print() # Convert 'DateTime' column to datetime type fx_data['DateTime'] = pd.to_datetime(fx_data['DateTime'], format='%Y%m%d %H%M%S%f') return fx_data
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def hist_fx_data_extraction_week(fx_pair: str, year: str) -> None: """Extracts the bid and ask for a week. :param fx_pair: string of the abbreviation of the forex pair to be analyzed (i.e. 'eur_usd'). :param year: string of the year to be analyzed (i.e. '2016'). :return: None -- The function saves the data in a file and does not return a value. """ function_name: str = hist_fx_data_extraction_week.__name__ hist_data_tools_extraction \ .hist_function_header_print_data(function_name, fx_pair, year, '') # Year data fx_data: pd.DataFrame = hist_fx_data_extraction_year(fx_pair, year) # Obtain the dates of every Sunday in the year weeks_tup: Tuple[str, ...] = hist_data_tools_extraction.hist_sundays(year) # Convert the Sundays dates in datetime type weeks: List[dt.datetime] = \ [dt.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d') for x in weeks_tup] # Saving data if (not os.path.isdir( f'../../hist_data/extraction_data_{year}/{function_name}/')): try: os.mkdir( f'../../hist_data/extraction_data_{year}/{function_name}/') print('Folder to save data created') except FileExistsError: print('Folder exists. The folder was not created') if (not os.path.isdir( f'../../hist_data/extraction_data_{year}/{function_name}/' + f'{fx_pair}/')): try: os.mkdir( f'../../hist_data/extraction_data_{year}/{function_name}/' + f'{fx_pair}/') print('Folder to save data created') except FileExistsError: print('Folder exists. The folder was not created') # Year that not starts with a Saturday or Sunday if (weeks[0].day != 1 and weeks[0].day != 2): hist_fx_week_start(fx_pair, function_name, year, fx_data, weeks) # Year that starts with a Saturday or Sunday else: hist_fx_weekend_start(fx_pair, function_name, year, fx_data, weeks) del fx_data
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def hist_fx_week_start(fx_pair: str, function_name: str, year: str, fx_data: pd.DataFrame, weeks: List[dt.datetime]) -> None: """Extracts the bid and ask for a week that starts in a week day. :param fx_pair: string of the abbreviation of the forex pair to be analyzed (i.e. 'eur_usd'). :param function_name: string of the function used to analyze the data. :param year: string of the year to be analyzed (i.e. '2016'). :param fx_data: pd.DataFrame with the data. :param weeks: List with the dates of the sundays in a year. :return: None -- The function saves the data in a file and does not return a value. """ w_idx: int week: dt.datetime for w_idx, week in enumerate(weeks): if w_idx: week_ini: dt.datetime = weeks[w_idx - 1] \ .replace(hour=17, minute=10, second=0) # Five days from Sunday 17h10 to Friday 16h50 t_secs: int = 432000 - 1200 + 1 week_fin: dt.datetime = week_ini + dt.timedelta(seconds=t_secs) w_df: pd.DataFrame = \ fx_data[(fx_data['DateTime'] < week_fin) & (fx_data['DateTime'] >= week_ini)] else: # First week of the year week_ini = fx_data['DateTime'].iloc[0].replace( hour=17, minute=10, second=0, microsecond=0) week_fin = week.replace( - 2, hour=16, minute=51, second=0) w_df = fx_data[(fx_data['DateTime'] < week_fin) & (fx_data['DateTime'] >= week_ini)] # Saving data w_idx_str: str if w_idx + 1 < 10: w_idx_str = f'0{w_idx + 1}' else: w_idx_str = f'{w_idx + 1}' pickle.dump(w_df, open(f'../../hist_data/extraction_data_{year}/' + f'{function_name}/{fx_pair}/{function_name}' + f'_{fx_pair}_w{w_idx_str}.pickle', 'wb')) # Last days of the year week_ini = weeks[-1].replace(hour=17, minute=10, second=0) week_fin = fx_data['DateTime'].iloc[-1] \ .replace(hour=16, minute=51, second=0, microsecond=0) w_df = fx_data[(fx_data['DateTime'] < week_fin) & (fx_data['DateTime'] >= week_ini)] # Saving data pickle.dump(w_df, open(f'../../hist_data/extraction_data_{year}/{function_name}/' + f'{fx_pair}/{function_name}_{fx_pair}_w{w_idx + 2}' + f'.pickle', 'wb')) del w_df
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def hist_fx_weekend_start(fx_pair: str, function_name: str, year: str, fx_data: pd.DataFrame, weeks: List[dt.datetime]) -> None: """Extracts the bid and ask for a weekend that starts in a week day. :param fx_pair: string of the abbreviation of the forex pair to be analyzed (i.e. 'eur_usd'). :param function_name: string of the function used to analyze the data. :param year: string of the year to be analyzed (i.e. '2016'). :param fx_data: pd.DataFrame with the data. :param weeks: List with the dates of the sundays in a year. :return: None -- The function saves the data in a file and does not return a value. """ w_idx: int for w_idx, _ in enumerate(weeks): if w_idx: week_ini = weeks[w_idx - 1].replace(hour=17, minute=10, second=0) # Five days from Sunday 17h10 to Friday 16h50 t_secs = 432000 - 1200 + 1 week_fin = week_ini + dt.timedelta(seconds=t_secs) w_df = fx_data[(fx_data['DateTime'] < week_fin) & (fx_data['DateTime'] >= week_ini)] # Saving data if w_idx < 10: w_idx_str = f'0{w_idx}' else: w_idx_str = f'{w_idx}' pickle.dump(w_df, open(f'../../hist_data/extraction_data_{year}/' + f'{function_name}/{fx_pair}/{function_name}' + f'_{fx_pair}_w{w_idx_str}.pickle', 'wb')) # Last days of the year week_ini = weeks[-1].replace(hour=17, minute=10, second=0) week_fin = fx_data['DateTime'].iloc[-1] \ .replace(hour=16, minute=51, second=0, microsecond=0) w_df = fx_data[(fx_data['DateTime'] < week_fin) & (fx_data['DateTime'] >= week_ini)] # Saving data pickle.dump(w_df, open(f'../../hist_data/extraction_data_{year}/{function_name}/' + f'{fx_pair}/{function_name}_{fx_pair}_w{w_idx + 1}' + f'.pickle', 'wb')) del w_df
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def hist_fx_midpoint_trade_data(fx_pair: str, year: str, week: str) -> None: """Extracts the midpoint price for a year. :param fx_pair: string of the abbreviation of the forex pair to be analyzed (i.e. 'eur_usd'). :param year: string of the year to be analyzed (i.e. '2019'). :param week: string of the week to be analyzed (i.e. '01'). :return: None -- The function saves the data in a file and does not return a value. """ try: # Load data fx_data: pd.DataFrame = pickle.load(open( f'../../hist_data/extraction_data_{year}/hist_fx_data' + f'_extraction_week/{fx_pair}/hist_fx_data_extraction' + f'_week_{fx_pair}_w{week}.pickle', 'rb')) fx_data['Midpoint'] = (fx_data['Ask'] + fx_data['Bid']) / 2 fx_data['Spread'] = fx_data['Ask'] - fx_data['Bid'] # Saving data hist_data_tools_extraction.hist_save_data(fx_data, fx_pair, year, week) del fx_data except FileNotFoundError as error: print('No data') print(error) print()
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[docs]def hist_fx_trade_signs_trade_data(fx_pair: str, year: str, week: str) -> None: """Extracts the trade signs price for a year. The trade signs are obtained from the midpoint price as :math:`\\epsilon(t) = sign(m(t) - m(t - 1))`, where +1 indicates the trade was triggered by a market order to buy, and -1 indicates the trade was triggered by a market order to sell. :param fx_pair: string of the abbreviation of the forex pair to be analyzed (i.e. 'eur_usd'). :param year: string of the year to be analyzed (i.e. '2016'). :return: None -- The function saves the data in a file and does not return a value. """ try: # Load data fx_data: pd.DataFrame = pickle.load(open( f'../../hist_data/extraction_data_{year}/hist_fx_data' + f'_extraction_week/{fx_pair}/hist_fx_data_extraction' + f'_week_{fx_pair}_w{week}.pickle', 'rb')) trade_signs_bef: pd.Series = np.sign(fx_data['Midpoint'].diff()) trade_signs_bef[trade_signs_bef == 0] =\ trade_signs_bef[trade_signs_bef == 0] * np.nan trade_signs_bef.iloc[0] = 1 trade_signs: pd.Series = trade_signs_bef.fillna(method='ffill') fx_data['Signs'] = trade_signs fx_data.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True) # Saving data hist_data_tools_extraction.hist_save_data(fx_data, fx_pair, year, week) del fx_data except FileNotFoundError as error: print('No data') print(error) print()
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[docs]def main() -> None: """The main function of the script. The main function is used to test the functions in the script. :return: None. """
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": main()