Source code for hist_data_analysis_physical_basic_data

'''HIST data analysis module.

The functions in the module obtain the midpoint price and the trade signs in
physical time scale for HIST Capital in a year.

This script requires the following modules:
    * pickle
    * typing
    * datetime
    * numpy
    * pandas
    * hist_data_tools_physical_basic_data

The module contains the following functions:
    * hist_fx_physical_data - extracts the midpoint price for a year
    * main - the main function of the script.

..moduleauthor:: Juan Camilo Henao Londono <>

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Modules

import pickle
from typing import List

import datetime as dt
import numpy as np  # type: ignore
import pandas as pd  # type: ignore

import hist_data_tools_physical_basic_data

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def hist_fx_physical_data(fx_pair: str, year: str, week: str) -> None: """Extracts the midpoint price for a year. :param fx_pair: string of the abbreviation of the forex pair to be analyzed (i.e. 'eur_usd'). :param year: string of the year to be analyzed (i.e. '2019'). :param week: string of the week to be analyzed (i.e. '01'). :return: None -- The function saves the data in a file and does not return a value. """ try: # Load data fx_data: pd.DataFrame = pickle.load(open( f'../../hist_data/extraction_data_{year}/hist_fx_data' + f'_extraction_week/{fx_pair}/hist_fx_data_extraction' + f'_week_{fx_pair}_w{week}.pickle', 'rb')) fx_data_p = fx_data[['Midpoint', 'Signs']] # Days in the week dates: List[] = sorted(set(fx_data.index)) date_init: = dates[0] date_end: = dates[-1] # First day of the week to be analyzed t_init: dt.datetime = dt.datetime(date_init.year, date_init.month,, 17, 10, 0, 0) t_init_dict = {'DateTime': t_init, 'Midpoint': np.nan, 'Signs': np.nan} t_init_df = pd.DataFrame(t_init_dict, index=[t_init]) t_init_df.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True) # Last day of the week to be analyzed t_end: dt.datetime = dt.datetime(date_end.year, date_end.month,, 16, 50, 0, 0) t_end_dict = {'DateTime': t_end, 'Midpoint': np.nan, 'Signs': np.nan} t_end_df = pd.DataFrame(t_end_dict, index=[t_end]) t_end_df.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True) fx_data_p = fx_data_p[fx_data_p.index <= t_end] fx_data_p = pd.concat([t_init_df, fx_data_p, t_end_df]) midpoint = fx_data_p['Midpoint'].resample('S').last() signs = fx_data_p['Signs'].resample('S').sum() signs = np.sign(signs) series = [midpoint, signs] fx_data_p = pd.concat(series, axis=1) fx_data_p['Midpoint'] = fx_data_p['Midpoint'].fillna(method='ffill') fx_data_p['Midpoint'] = fx_data_p['Midpoint'].fillna(method='bfill') fx_data_p['Signs'] = fx_data_p['Signs'].fillna(value=0) # Saving data hist_data_tools_physical_basic_data \ .hist_save_data(fx_data_p, fx_pair, year, week) del fx_data del fx_data_p except FileNotFoundError as error: print('No data') print(error) print()
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def main() -> None: """The main function of the script. The main function is used to test the functions in the script. :return: None. """
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": main()