Source code for hist_data_analysis_responses_trade

'''HIST data analysis module.

The functions in the module compute the response function in trade time scale
from the Historic Rate Data from HIST Capital data in a year.

This script requires the following modules:
    * itertools
    * multiprocessing
    * os
    * pickle
    * typing
    * numpy
    * pandas

The module contains the following functions:
    * hist_fx_self_response_week_responses_trade - extracts the midpoint price
      for a week.
    * hist_fx_self_response_year_responses_trade - extracts the midpoint price
      for a year.
    * main - the main function of the script.

..moduleauthor:: Juan Camilo Henao Londono <>
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Modules

from itertools import product as iprod
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
import pickle
from typing import Iterator, List, Tuple

import numpy as np  # type: ignore
import pandas as pd  # type: ignore

import hist_data_tools_responses_trade

__tau__ = 10000

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def hist_fx_self_response_week_responses_trade_data( fx_pair: str, year: str, week: str) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]: """Computes the self-response of a year. Using the midpoint price and the trade signs of a ticker computes the self-response during different time lags (:math:`\\tau`) for a year. :param fx_pair: string of the abbreviation of the forex pair to be analyzed (i.e. 'eur_usd'). :param year: string of the year to be analyzed (i.e. '2016'). :param week: string of the week to be analyzed (i.e. '01'). :return: tuple -- The function returns a tuple with numpy arrays. """ try: # Load data fx_data: pd.DataFrame = pickle.load(open( f'../../hist_data/extraction_data_{year}/hist_fx_data' + f'_extraction_week/{fx_pair}/hist_fx_data_extraction' + f'_week_{fx_pair}_w{week}.pickle', 'rb')) midpoint: np.ndarray = fx_data['Midpoint'].to_numpy() trade_signs: np.ndarray = fx_data['Signs'].to_numpy() # Relate the return of the previous second with the current trade sign midpoint = midpoint[:-1] trade_signs = trade_signs[1:] assert len(midpoint) == len(trade_signs) # Array of the average of each tau self_response_tau: np.ndarray = np.zeros(__tau__) num: np.ndarray = np.zeros(__tau__) # Calculating the midpoint price return and the self-response function # Depending on the tau value tau_idx: int for tau_idx in range(__tau__): trade_sign_tau: np.ndarray = trade_signs[:-tau_idx - 1] trade_sign_no_0_len: int = len(trade_sign_tau[trade_sign_tau != 0]) num[tau_idx] = trade_sign_no_0_len # Obtain the midpoint price return. Displace the numerator tau # values to the right and compute the return # Midpoint price returns log_return_sec: np.ndarray = (midpoint[tau_idx + 1:] - midpoint[:-tau_idx - 1]) \ / midpoint[:-tau_idx - 1] # Obtain the self response value if trade_sign_no_0_len != 0: product: np.ndarray = log_return_sec * trade_sign_tau self_response_tau[tau_idx] = np.sum(product) del fx_data return (self_response_tau, num) except FileNotFoundError as error: print('No data') print(error) print() zeros = np.zeros(__tau__) return (zeros, zeros)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def hist_fx_self_response_year_responses_trade_data( fx_pair: str, year: str) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]: """Computes the self-response of a year. Using the hist_self_response_year_responses_trade_data function computes the self-response function for a year. :param ticker: string of the abbreviation of stock to be analyzed (i.e. 'AAPL'). :param year: string of the year to be analyzed (i.e '2016'). :return: tuple -- The function returns a tuple with numpy arrays. """ function_name: str = hist_fx_self_response_year_responses_trade_data \ .__name__ hist_data_tools_responses_trade \ .hist_function_header_print_data(function_name, fx_pair, year, '') weeks: Tuple[str, ...] = hist_data_tools_responses_trade.hist_weeks() self_values: List[np.ndarray] = [] args_prod: Iterator[Tuple[str, ...]] = iprod([fx_pair], [year], weeks) # Parallel computation of the self-responses. Every result is appended to # a list with mp.Pool(processes=mp.cpu_count()) as pool: self_values.append(pool.starmap( hist_fx_self_response_week_responses_trade_data, args_prod)) # To obtain the total self-response, I sum over all the self-response # values and all the amount of trades (averaging values) self_v_final: np.ndarray = np.sum(self_values[0], axis=0) self_response_val: np.ndarray = self_v_final[0] / self_v_final[1] self_response_avg: np.ndarray = self_v_final[1] # Saving data if (not os.path.isdir( f'../../hist_data/responses_trade_{year}/{function_name}/')): try: os.mkdir( f'../../hist_data/responses_trade_{year}/{function_name}/') print('Folder to save data created') except FileExistsError: print('Folder exists. The folder was not created') if (not os.path.isdir( f'../../hist_data/responses_trade_{year}/{function_name}/' + f'{fx_pair}/')): try: os.mkdir( f'../../hist_data/responses_trade_{year}/{function_name}/' + f'{fx_pair}/') print('Folder to save data created') except FileExistsError: print('Folder exists. The folder was not created') hist_data_tools_responses_trade \ .hist_save_data(self_response_val, fx_pair, year) return (self_response_val, self_response_avg)
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[docs]def main() -> None: """The main function of the script. The main function is used to test the functions in the script. :return: None. """
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": main()