Source code for hist_data_main_avg_responses

'''HIST data main module.

The functions in the module run the complete extraction, analysis and plot of
the HIST data.

This script requires the following modules:
    * typing
    * hist_data_analysis_avg_responses
    * hist_data_plot_avg_responses
    * hist_data_tools_avg_responses

The module contains the following functions:
    * hist_data_plot_generator - generates all the analysis and plots from the
      HIST data.
    * main - the main function of the script.

.. moduleauthor:: Juan Camilo Henao Londono <>

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Modules

from typing import List

import hist_data_analysis_avg_responses
import hist_data_plot_avg_responses
import hist_data_tools_avg_responses

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def hist_data_plot_generator(years: List[str]) -> None: """Generates all the analysis and plots from the HIST data. :param years: List of the strings of the year to be analyzed (i.e ['2016', '2017']). :return: None -- The function saves the data in a file and does not return a value. """ year: str for year in years: fx_pairs: List[List[str]] = hist_data_analysis_avg_responses \ .hist_fx_pair_spread_data(year) fx_idx: int fx_pair: List[str] for fx_idx, fx_pair in enumerate(fx_pairs): print(f'GROUP {fx_idx + 1}') fx_p: str for fx_p in fx_pair: print(fx_p) print(f'Number of tickers group {fx_idx + 1}: {len(fx_pair)}') print() hist_data_analysis_avg_responses \ .hist_fx_self_response_year_avg_responses_trade_data(fx_pairs, year) hist_data_analysis_avg_responses \ .hist_fx_self_response_year_avg_responses_physical_data(fx_pairs, year) hist_data_plot_avg_responses \ .hist_fx_self_response_year_avg_responses_trade_plot(year) hist_data_plot_avg_responses \ .hist_fx_self_response_year_avg_responses_physical_plot(year)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def main() -> None: """The main function of the script. The main function extract, analyze and plot the data. :return: None. """ hist_data_tools_avg_responses.hist_initial_message() # Forex pairs and weeks to analyze # Response function analysis years: List[str] = ['2011', '2015', '2019'] # Basic folders hist_data_tools_avg_responses.hist_start_folders(years) # Run analysis # Analysis and plot hist_data_plot_generator(years) print('Ay vamos!!!')
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': main()