Source code for hist_data_plot_responses_trade

'''HIST data plot module.

The functions in the module plot the data obtained in the
hist_data_analysis_responses_trade module.

This script requires the following modules:
    * gc
    * pickle
    * matplotlib
    * hist_data_tools_data_extract

The module contains the following functions:
    * hist_fx_self_response_year_avg_responses_trade_plot - plots the
      self-response average for a year.
    * main - the main function of the script.

.. moduleauthor:: Juan Camilo Henao Londono <>

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Modules

import gc
import pickle

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt  # type: ignore
import numpy as np  # type: ignore

import hist_data_tools_responses_trade

__tau__ = 10000

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def hist_fx_self_response_year_avg_responses_trade_plot( fx_pair: str, year: str) -> None: """Plots the self-response average for a year. :param fx_pair: string of the abbreviation of the forex pair to be analyzed (i.e. 'eur_usd'). :param year: string of the year to be analyzed (i.e. '2016'). :return: None -- The function saves the plot in a file and does not return a value. """ try: function_name: str = \ hist_fx_self_response_year_avg_responses_trade_plot.__name__ hist_data_tools_responses_trade \ .hist_function_header_print_plot(function_name, fx_pair, year, '') fx_pair_upper: str = fx_pair[:3].upper() + '/' + fx_pair[4:].upper() figure: plt.Figure = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9)) # Load data self_response: np.ndarray = pickle.load( open(f'../../hist_data/responses_trade_{year}/hist_fx_self' + f'_response_year_responses_trade_data/{fx_pair}/hist_fx' + f'_self_response_year_responses_trade_data_{fx_pair}_{year}' + f'.pickle', 'rb')) plt.semilogx(self_response, linewidth=5, label=f'{fx_pair_upper}') plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=25) plt.title(f'HIST data self-response', fontsize=40) plt.xlabel(r'$\tau \, [trades]$', fontsize=35) plt.ylabel(r'$R_{ii}(\tau)$', fontsize=35) plt.xticks(fontsize=25) plt.yticks(fontsize=25) plt.xlim(1, __tau__) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.grid(True) plt.tight_layout() # Plotting hist_data_tools_responses_trade \ .hist_save_plot(function_name, figure, fx_pair, year, '') plt.close() del self_response del figure gc.collect() except FileNotFoundError as error: print('No data') print(error) print()
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def main() -> None: """The main function of the script. The main function is used to test the functions in the script. :return: None. """
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": main()