Source code for hist_data_tools_download

'''HIST data tools module.

The functions in the module do small repetitive tasks, that are used along the
whole implementation. These tools improve the way the tasks are standardized
in the modules that use them.

This script requires the following modules:
    * os
    * typing

The module contains the following functions:
    * hist_function_header_print_data - prints info about the function running.
    * hist_start_folders - creates folders to save data and plots.
    * hist_initial_message - prints the initial message with basic information.
    * main - the main function of the script.

.. moduleauthor:: Juan Camilo Henao Londono <>

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Modules

import os
from typing import List

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[docs]def hist_function_header_print_data(function_name: str, fx_pair: str, year: str, month: str) -> None: """Prints a header of a function that generates data when it is running. :param function_name: name of the function that generates the data. :param fx_pair: string of the abbreviation of the forex pair to be analyzed (i.e. 'eur_usd'). :param year: string of the year to be analyzed (i.e '2016'). :param month: string of the month to be analyzed (i.e '07'). :param day: string of the day to be analyzed (i.e '07'). :return: None -- The function prints a message and does not return a value. """ print('HIST data') print(function_name) fx_pair_upper: str = fx_pair[:3].upper() + '/' + fx_pair[4:].upper() print(f'Downloading data for the forex pair {fx_pair_upper} the ' + f'{year}.{month}') print()
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[docs]def hist_start_folders(fx_pairs: List[str], years: List[str]) -> None: """Creates the initial folders to save the data and plots. :param fx_pairs: list of the string abbreviation of the forex pairs to be analyzed (i.e. ['eur_usd', 'gbp_usd']). :param years: List of the strings of the year to be analyzed (i.e ['2016', '2017']). :return: None -- The function creates folders and does not return a value. """ try: os.mkdir(f'../../hist_data') os.mkdir(f'../../hist_plot') print('Folder to save data created') except FileExistsError as error: print('Folder exists. The folder was not created') print(error) for year in years: try: os.mkdir(f'../../hist_data/original_data_{year}') print('Folder to save data created') except FileExistsError as error: print('Folder exists. The folder was not created') print(error) for fx_pair in fx_pairs: try: os.mkdir(f'../../hist_data/original_data_{year}/{fx_pair}') print('Folder to save data created') except FileExistsError as error: print('Folder exists. The folder was not created') print(error)
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[docs]def hist_initial_message() -> None: """Prints the initial message with basic information. :return: None -- The function prints a message and does not return a value. """ print() print('###################') print('Download forex data') print('###################') print('AG Guhr') print('Faculty of Physics') print('University of Duisburg-Essen') print('Author: Juan Camilo Henao Londono') print('More information in:') print('*') print('*') print('*') print()
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[docs]def main() -> None: """The main function of the script. The main function is used to test the functions in the script. :return: None. """
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': main()